I was not allowed to ask this question with the title: "What kind of lily is this?" as a similar question exists. There are hundreds if not thousands of lily species so this seems a bit restrictive. I could ask the question what kind of lily/clematis/tulip/tree is this a hundred times and the answer would be a different one each time.
Even fiddling with the title to change it to: What kind of native lily/ What kind of North American Lily were too close.
Should the restrictions be loosened as a nod to the fact that plant species are quite different than programming languages?
Edit: Thank you for that link Niall
But, my point is that this site is not Stack Overflow and gardening is not similar to programming languages in many ways. If I ask how do I reverse a string in C# I agree that one good answer is enough.
However with identification questions I can ask "What is this?" and be asking a different question every time. There are, depending on who you ask, at least 17,000 genus and 400,000 plant species. Are we going to allow one ID question per plant genus?
As this is most likely a hard coded feature courtesy of the Stack Exchange application maybe I should take this to Meta.