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7 votes

Need a new category on close reasons

I am reluctant to use Unclear what you're asking because it's very clear what the OP asks: why is his tree dieing, how to prune a shrub, where to place a flower container, etc. I feel that having a ...
Alina's user avatar
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5 votes

Request to modify 'modified' to show more information at a glance

You can't see it because you don't have the privilege level to see deleted posts (2k rep for beta sites like this one, 10k rep for graduated sites), but that user has two answers on that question. ...
Niall C.'s user avatar
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4 votes

How can we encourage users to include images?

In my experience of the site - and I've been here since the beginning - questions posted without images will quickly attract comments e.g. "please post an image". And that's fine. It's usually said ...
Tea Drinker's user avatar
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4 votes

How can we encourage users to include images?

Dakab, I agree with everything you said. I wish we had power to add/change more things in the Help Center or someplace, so people would know that pictures should be an expected part of asking a ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
3 votes

Can/should we change the standard message posted when a late answer by a new user doesn't answer the question?

I agree with you that the message should be changed. When I had time I have modified a few of these messages that were generated by my review, but for the most part of reviews I have kept the original ...
Alina's user avatar
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3 votes

Link Species Names to Wiki

I understand what you mean, by just typing a name in and it popping up the blue link to just go ahead and get right to it, but it really wouldnt be nessasary, you could just post the link or tell ...
brandon's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I find open questions and answers that I haven't seen?

It would mean losing functionality that you may, on balance, prefer to keep but you might choose to 'favourite' every Q once you have seen it and then select: -infavorites:mine Closed:0
pnuts's user avatar
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2 votes

Should users be able to hide questions (to themselves only)?

I think it's a good idea and I hope that it will be implemented. There are a lot of questions that I don't know the answer to, or I'm not interested in the answers that might come up. Hiding these ...
Alina's user avatar
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2 votes

Geographic or Zone information

It would be nice. However, people tend to write their location in their profile mostly if they live in a country that guarantees the freedom of thought/expression also in practice, not only in theory (...
Alina's user avatar
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1 vote

Should users be able to hide questions (to themselves only)?

On some sites such as stackoverflow itself where question numbers are overwhelming my default view is by tags. So you could create a view that shows only the tags you're interested in but that would ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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